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AwakeCon presents




Meet Your Other Selves.

Visit Alternate Realities.

Enhance Your Life Adventure.

....without the use of mind-altering substances.

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the stories abound

We've all heard exciting accounts of people visiting other planets, exploring new worlds, and encountering loving beings from other dimensions.

Is it Possible That You Can Do It Too?

Of course you can. We all can. But how do we open that door to other realities? Often, our beliefs and scientific cynicism riddle us with doubt about the existence of alternate realities.

Many people temporarily put their doubts to rest by trying a mind-altering substance, such as mushrooms, MDMA or ayahuasca.

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opening the door to other realities

People taking psychedelics often report a profound sense of expanded consciousness, experiencing enhanced perception of their surroundings and a heightened appreciation for the beauty and interconnectedness of the world. They may visit strange worlds, meet loving beings, or visit with deceased relatives while gaining insight into their own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Many modern sources tout psychedelics as the fast and easy way to open the floodgate to consciousness. That's great, while you're using them.

But sometimes there's a big problem when you try to explore again, without the drugs . . .

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nothing happens.

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Square Rounded Shape

You really wanted to go back there, to meet your new friends and revisit alternate worlds...and to reconnect with the Earth the way you did before...but you didn't want to use drugs to get there each time.

You may have tried to get to those places on your own, but instead:

  • Endless thoughts looped over and over in your mind
  • Doubt invaded and sabotaged your attempt
  • You felt even more disconnected from everybody and everything than before you gave up.

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is it repeatable?

Earth was created for spiritual expansion. It's a place to learn and transform through love, but sometimes the challenges we face here just leave us feeling trapped in a "flesh prison."

I was there too. My name is Kimberly Darwin and the expansion of consciousness has been my prime directive since I was 6 years old.

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Kimberly Darwin

I tried a few substances to reach other realms, but early on I received a resounding "no" from my body in the form of a terrifying medical experience. I wasn't sure that I would live through it.

Did I have to risk my body to explore alternate realities? In a Universe based in love, there had to be another way. So I set out to find an alternate path . . . for myself, and for you.

But it needed to be easy, and repeatable . . .or I would give up and go back to my old routine of experiencing Earth like most humans do. . .

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and I found a

way to do it.

I got certified in hypnosis.

I facilitated past-life regressions.

I learned neuro-linguistic programming.

I got a Masters Degree in Metaphysical Science.

I learned to lucid dream.

I summoned a team of non-physical experts in "dimension-surfing", and asked them to show me the ropes.

And not only did they provide instruction for safely reaching alternate realities without drugs, they introduced me to other versions of myself as fellow travel companions. Versions that already knew about me and this quest, and remembered more than I did about the nature of reality.

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and then things got fun.

With my new skills, I changed my beliefs about reality, and taught myself to consciously travel to other dimensions . . . while bringing my personality with me.

And when I did... WOW! Here are a few things I've done recently:

  • I've shared a meal with a tribe in Andromeda
  • I've wandered a holiday festival with humans from another planet
  • I've navigated the body of a parallel self living on Earth right now
  • I've played games with hybrid children 300 years in the future
  • I've consulted with a sculptor from Ancient Rome
  • I've gone shoe shopping in an alternate Earth mall

. . . and each time I do it, it gets easier.

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you can

escape the


I want you to explore the vast, expansive Universe that's available to you.

I want you to break free from the monotonous routine of everyday life—dragging yourself out of bed, going to work, and falling into fitful sleep—and to embrace a more exciting existence that includes a connection with your Other Selves.

I want you to feel comfortable exploring outside of your comfort zone, anytime you like, safely, intentionally, and with wild abandon. And the best part?

You have help.

Enter the Unlocking Boundless Realms course.

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how you'll

get there

I created the Unlocking Boundless Realms course for "curious consciousness expanders" just like you who want to achieve a multidimensional Earth life; one that includes meeting parallel selves and exploring other realities, and learning about Who You Are and How You Work...without relying on substances to get you there.

Within two weeks you can start to:

connect with your higher self

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ditch physics

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lose your fear of death

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who are curious



People like you, who feel called to connect with their Higher Self—the part of our personality that exists beyond the physical body—and to explore what else is OUTSIDE . . .by learning how to access what's INSIDE.

Because all of our experiences start from there.

So if you have been feeling disconnected from life, wanting to push the boundaries of your inner senses, and are willing to spend 30 minutes of quiet time in introspection, then this course is perfect for you.

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how you'll

get there

With full support along the way, you'll learn through:

Bite-Sized Lessons

Short, fun and introspectful assignments that allow you to gently discover your beliefs and obstacles and refresh them with new ideas.

Relaxing Visualizations

Guided meditations that fire your imagination, bolstered by Solfeggio frequencies to keep your brain focused on exploration.

Lucid Dreaming

Learn to consciously navigate your dream state and discover the symbolism that runs your show. Knowledge is power in changing your waking world!

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are you ready to challenge

your beliefs?

If so, join me on this profound journey of self-discovery and reality expansion.

This 8-week self-paced course will empower you to explore the depths of your inner self, discern fact from opinion, and transform your perception of what is possible.

And guess what?

You're going to host a multidimensional party!

Be prepared to meet some non-physical friends, and to bring home personalized souvenirs from your gathering! Here's how you'll do it:

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connect with four of your parallel selves

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Aliens sadness  portrait
Alien astronaut walking in strange cave

You'll create a special meeting place, to gather with other versions of yourself living

alternate lives.

You'll tap into their unique talents, strengths, and insights, and integrate them into your own world.

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Spatial Skills


Automatic Writing




your skills





Artistic Ability

As you reinforce the connection with your Parallel Personas, you'll develop and reactivate your telepathic skills, co-creating mutually beneficial worlds with expanded possibilities.

Your journeys will empower you on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels, leading to a more cohesive and peaceful You. And boy will you have some stories to share!

Good thing, because it doesn't end there.

Unlocking Boundless Realms grants you access to a community of like-minded human explorers, eager to support and learn alongside you. They want to hear where you've been!

Share your triumphs and tribulations, and immerse yourself in the boundless potential of our optional group sessions, where you can unite in an extraordinary alternate reality created right there on the spot!

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prepare to:

  • Forge a profound connection with others
  • Rewire limiting beliefs
  • Explore the Universe as "far out" as you want to go
  • Adopt a more positive outlook
  • Connect with fellow explorers
  • Enhance your artistic abilities
  • Push your boundaries to the limit
  • Visit other inhabited worlds
  • Meet departed loved ones
  • Positively anticipate change
  • Release fears about death

Unlocking Boundless Realms will guide you to repeatedly access alternate realities without substances, transforming your sense of disconnection into profound connection.

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ready to


You can access

Unlocking Boundless Realms right now.

Here's what you'll get:

  • Self-paced instruction in Bite-Sized lessons
  • Instructional Videos with Transcripts
  • Downloadable Guided Journeys
  • Automatic Writing Instruction
  • Printable Physical Signpost Reminders
  • Creative Art Prompts
  • Free Access to the Private Community for 6 months
  • One-on-One 15-minute call with me for Personalized Guidance
  • Live Transformational Group Sessions - Create Worlds together!
  • Online Support from Community Guides
  • Access and download course materials for 1 year
  • Bonus meditation for early-bird signup before public launch!

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your higher

self awaits

So if you're ready to forge a better relationship with the Larger part of You that's running the show, to explore the depths of your consciousness, and to unravel the mysteries of the Universe, welcome to

Unlocking Boundless Realms.

This exciting and transformative journey awaits, to forever expand your understanding of reality and your place within it.

Embrace the call within and embark on this extraordinary adventure today.

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exploring now


Pay Once

3 payments of


per month

These prices are for a limited time only and will increase on September 30,2023.

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Don't let outdated beliefs govern your reality!

Let me help you to free yourself from those pesky limitations so that you can explore all that your consciousness has to offer. There are so many worlds waiting to be discovered...and created.

I'm looking forward to sharing this journey with you!

your other

selves are waiting